It’s a ruff job, but somebody’s got to do it! April is National Safe Digging Month, and to celebrate, Michigan...
Michigan Gas Utilities (MGU) employees care deeply about the communities where they live and serve. That’s why, at the end...
As part of its responsibility to serve its customers, Michigan Gas Utilities (MGU) works every day to keep bills as...
It’s an important step to start a fall tradition safely, even before suiting up in blaze orange. Michigan Gas Utilities...
Michigan Gas Utilities (MGU) employees care deeply about the communities where they live and serve. That’s why this month, employees...
Michigan Gas Utilities (MGU) and law enforcement across southern Michigan are teaming up to protect customers from con artists. On...
Michigan Gas Utilities (MGU) is helping everyday heroes keep their communities safe. The company is awarding $10,000 to help Michigan...
Michigan Gas Utilities’ parent company, WEC Energy Group, released its 2021 Corporate Responsibility and Climate Report. The Corporate Responsibility Report...
It’s an easy call to make, and it helps keep communities safe. On Aug. 11 (8/11), 811 Day, Michigan Gas...
Michigan Gas Utilities is celebrating dads this Father’s Day. The company asked employees to submit pictures and provide a few...